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Relaxing, reading (and working a little bit) in Italy July 13, 2007

Posted by Malene Charlotte Larsen in Holiday.

In a few days I will be on my way to Italy where I will be on a much-awaited holiday. This means that I am going to relax and read some of all the books that I did not get around to read during this 1st semester of my PhD. Also, I guess that I will have to work a little bit since I am writing on my paper for the AoIR conference in the fall (with deadline at the end of July). But that’s life as a PhD student – and it’s not so bad 🙂

By the way, my paper in progress is called ‘Understanding Social Networking – On young People’s Construction and Co-construction of Identity Online‘ and will present some of the results from my thesis which many of you have been asking for in an English version.

Happy summer holidays!

Focusing on youth and social networking July 10, 2007

Posted by Malene Charlotte Larsen in Social Networking, Youngsters, Youth Culture.

I want to thank all of you who e-mailed me about my article ‘35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking‘ and also those who commented on the article at Social Computing Magazine or Slashdot. I found many of the comments to be really interesting and adding further perspectives to the discussion.

I can see from the comments that many people find that I focus too much on youth in the article. In this regard I would like to stress that my research is on young people’s use of social networking sites and therefore the article is only concerned with that. Actually, the list presented should be viewed as a list of ’35 Perspectives on Youngsters and Online Social Networking’ reflecting the many different ‘voices’ we are currently experiencing in Denmark when it comes to online social networking and youth.

As mentioned earlier the list is mostly based on my own experiences with the subject in Denmark where the concept of ‘social networking’ is just now starting to spread to the whole population. I find that up until now we have been going through a ‘moral panic phase’ where (the majority of) the older generation – the digital immigrants to use Prensky’s terms – have been worried about the use of SNS by the younger generation, the digital natives. But I think that social networking sites are starting to get a grip on the general public and when that happens it will be interesting to explore what (new) perspectives will emerge…

35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking – new article in Social Computing Magazine July 5, 2007

Posted by Malene Charlotte Larsen in Online, Social Networking, Social networking sites, Youngsters.

Yesterday I was contacted by Social Computing Magazine who wanted to turn my two blog posts on perspectives on social networking into an article in their online magazine. Of course I am happy to have my posts turned into something coherent. I have not really changed much in the article according to the original posts. But now they have transformed into a single list with 35 perspectives on online social networking.

You can read the article here.