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Guest-blogging at Nettendenser December 19, 2008

Posted by Malene Charlotte Larsen in Blogs, Social network sites, Youth.

For a while I have been wanting to keep a blog in Danish. However, I must admit that I do not have the time to maintain two blogs. Therefore, I was happy when Lars Damgaard Nielsen asked me to be a guest-blogger at his interesting blog called Nettensender. It is a Danish blog about the social aspects of the internet.

Today my first guest article was posted. It deals with how young people feel about grown-ups’ attitudes towards their use of social network sites. Here is a small extract from the post (in Danish):

Der er nok af holdninger til emnet ’unge og sociale netværk’, og perspektiverne er mangfoldige. De unge selv er ganske trætte af de panik-/skræmmehistorier om især pædofili/børnelokkeri, som de seneste fem år har været fremme i de danske nyhedsmedier, og som ofte over en kam fremstiller de unge brugere som ansvars- og hjælpeløse ofre.

You can read the post directly at Nettendenser here.

Top 100 Anthropology Blogs December 8, 2008

Posted by Malene Charlotte Larsen in Anthropology, Blogs.

A couple of days ago I received an e-mail from Online Universities.com informing me that they just published an article that lists the “Top 100 Anthropology Blogs”. In the article they write:

It doesn’t matter if you’re studying capuchins in South America or the social interactions in American college bars, there is a blogger out there who shares your interests. University students, academics, professors and those who just love anthropology have helped to create a great assortment of online discourse about the field. We’ve compiled a list of 100 that are definitely worth a read.

I was happy to learn that ‘My PhD Blog’ was also included in the list under the section ‘Linguistic, Media and Communication’. It is number 66.

Check out the top 100 list here. I’m sure it encompasses many useful links when it comes to fieldwork and ethnography.