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About me


My name is Malene Charlotte Larsen and I’m a PhD Candidate at Department of Communication at Aalborg University. Most of my professional life in academia has evolved around young people and social media as I have been following Danish teenagers’ use of social network sites since 2004.

I have a master in Media and Communications Studies and as part of my thesis I conducted an ethnography of the biggest social network site for young people in Denmark, called Arto.dk. In my PhD project I am building on this research and look at how social network sites are integrated into everyday, offline life of young people. At the moment I am writing up my dissertation, which is due June 2010.

Based on my research I often give public talks at schools, libraries and conferences for parents, teachers, professionals etc. and I find that communicating my research results is the most rewarding and motivating thing.

Keywords that describe my research interests are internet research, media studies, youth culture, discourse studies, ethnography, Nexus Analysis, interpersonal and nonverbal communication, Mediated Discourse Analysis, Membership Categorization Analysis, ICT and learning and Web 2.0.